The original Appetite For Destruction-era Guns N’ Roses line-up is arguably the most notorious...
April 08, 2017 Episode #014 of the Sound Matters show begins with Tom’s top 5 recent Academy of Country...
Musicians can often be overheard talking about the word groove with respect to playing...
April 01, 2017 Get Sound Matters Show interview podcasts on >> iTunes & Spreaker and full show streams...
You’ve heard the maxim: “It’s not what you say; it’s how you say it.” B.S. I...
March 25, 2017 Episode #110 – The Podcast:(also on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Stitcher,...
This is about kicking the slave-to-the-grind, and scarcity mentalities to the curb...
March 18, 2017 Episode #011 of the Sound Matters Show kicks off with Tom’s inside...
We’ve all got just two choices: 1) Get in the game and play, (or)...
March 11, 2017 Episode #010 of the Sound Matters show opens with a deep dive into the legendary...