January 18, 2025


Entertaining Matters in Music & Entertainment

017: George Lynch #1

April 29, 2017

Episode #017 of the Sound Matters show kicks off with a replay of Tom’s interview with Jack Russell of Jack Russell’s Great White. We spotlight three classic albums & tracks tied to this week in music history by Judas Priest, Live, & Van Halen… Tom interviews George Lynch from KXM, Lynch Mob, & Dokken about the latest KXM album, his thoughts on jam bands, the recent Dokken reunion, and his insights about human nature and philosophy specific to music and the world at large… deep stuff, but always great stuff coming from George… Each Sound Matters Radio episode concludes with Tom’s signature Sound Matter Moment


Inside the Interview:

02:45 – On the making of the latest KXM album Scatterbrain… 
03:46 – Is there more pressure going into the studio without much pre-production… 
04:34 – On George’s preference of recording or playing live with more or less preparation…
06:23 – Why was KXM so important to get off the ground?
07:02 – On the possibility of KXM touring without drummer Ray Luzier…
07:59 – How important is the concept of evolving within music and life in general?
09:33 – On working with guys like Michael Sweet, and not sharing the same world-views…
11:08 – On delving into deeper lyrical & philosophical content within music…
12:39 – How important is it to be student of human nature within music & otherwise today… 
14:30 – Do democracies work in bands when there are really only 2 types of people?
16:52 – Are people capable of changing their belief systems?
17:34 – On trying to write 80’s type music in recent years…
19:13 – On the recent Dokken reunion & going forward…
20:40 – A question he’s never asked, but wished he was…

Connect with George Lynch:
Website: www.georgelynch.com
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/apacheghost

>> If you, your business, brand, or organization is interested in advertising and/or sponsoring the Sound Matters Show, please email us at soundmattersshow@gmail.com with inquiries.

Until we meet again… Stay tuned-in…

Jeff Pilson from Dokken, Foreigner, The End Machine
016: Austin Dickinson
018: Phillip Ryan Block #1

About the Host