February 10, 2025


Entertaining Matters in Music & Entertainment

016: Austin Dickinson

April 22, 2017

Episode #016 of the Sound Matters show kicks off with headlines in music and entertainment news, and spotlights three classic albums & tracks tied to this week in music history by The Bee Gees, Aerosmith, & Alice In Chains… Tom interviews AUSTIN DICKINSON from the excellent new UK band AS LIONS. If you’re into heavy, melodic, and well-produced music with intelligent lyrics, then As Lions is a great band to check out… Each Sound Matters Radio episode concludes with Tom’s signature Sound Matter Moment

On This Episode:

  1. Get Sound Matters Radio interview podcasts on >> iTunesSpreaker and full show streams on >> Mixcloud
  2. Sound Matters Spotlight: Bee Gees – Track: “Night Fever,” Aerosmith, Toys In The Attic, 1975 (“You See Me Crying”), and Alice In Chains – RIP Layne Staley (2002) – Track: “Down In A Hole”
  3. INTERVIEW Guest: AUSTIN DICKINSON from the U.K.’s AS LIONS – Track: “World On Fire”
  4. Sound Matter Moment… “Everybody Wants Some”

Episode #16 – The Podcast:(also on SpotifyApple Podcasts, Amazon MusicGoogle PodcastsiHeartRadio, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, & Spreaker)

Photo by Tom Leu
Tom with Will & Austin from As Lions

Inside the Interview:
02:24 – On making the As Lions debut album Selfish Age
03:31 – On the melodic nature of the album…
04:32 – On the songwriting process for As Lions…
05:29 – On shooting the acoustic video for the song “World On Fire” and the song’s inspiration…
08:23 – On the differences between Austin’s previous band Rise to Remain with As Lions…
10:42 – About the current tour and being out on the road…
12:18 – Preference for the studio or playing live…? 
13:24 – On perfectionism in the studio…?
15:11 – On the significance of the album’s artwork…
16:14 – On the substance of his lyrical content…
17:29 – Who would Austin want to interview and why…?

Connect with As Lions:
Website: www.aslionsband.com
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/AsLionsBand

A ‘Sound Matter Moment’ >> www.soundmatters.tv/everybody-wants-some

If you, your business, or organization is interested in sponsoring the Sound Matters radio show, please email us at soundmattersshow@gmail.com

Until we meet again… Stay tuned-in…

Click below to listen to recent Sound Matters Show episode:

Milly from Steelheart
015: Susan Masino
017: George Lynch #1

About the Host