January 25, 2025


Entertaining Matters in Music & Entertainment

SMM: Give A Little Bit

Photo by Tom Leu

Even though society often teaches the opposite; selflessness is underrated.

Everything doesn’t always have to be, nor should it be, all about you (or me), all the time.

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What I call ‘real-world rock stars’ value service over being served, they give more than they take, they help… they don’t hinder.

When we deliberately take the focus off of ourselves and our immediate needs…  and focus instead on giving of ourselves to others, we often find that our “real” needs ultimately get met in the process.

“See the man with the lonely eyes. Take his hand, you’ll be surprised” ~ Supertramp

An amazing colleague of mine is a living example of someone who gives waaaay more than she takes to those whom she works with. Danielle consistenly goes above and beyond to serve and help others. She gives back what she was once given. She’s a rock star in every sense, and an excellent example I’m privileged to witness as a co-worker, and more importantly, have as a friend. She’s was honored for her service recently, but that’s not why she does it… all the more reason to celebrate her and those like her.

So, give a little bit of your time, your energy, your expertise, your heart to someone and see what happens. The act of helping another can sometimes seem to shrink the size of our perceived problems… or at least make them appear more manageable.

And remember to treat others as you wish to be treated because in the end, it does matter; what you give you will eventually get in return. 

And like my dear friend Danielle… it’s a beautiful thing…

Stay tuned-in…

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SMM: I Will Follow
SMM: Good Vibrations

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