What Sound Matters Guests Are Saying…
“What an interesting and original spin you have on the Sound Matters podcasts. I not only admire the production quality of the shows but appreciate pertinent questions with guests. I was intrigued with the episode on the fascinating Jen Elizabeth, and it really came across how she became empowered and thrived. What an important concept in all aspects of life. Kudos on a job well done, and with each story interjecting compassion into the human experience.”
– Rudy Childs, documentary filmmaker/producer and rock photographer >> www.rudychilds.com
“This is definitely one of my favorite interviews I’ve ever done. Some really great questions and great conversation. Goes deep into the process of writing and recording Michael Grant & The Assassins – Always The Villain album and beyond. Check it out! Enjoy!” 🖤
– Michael Grant, guitarist, songwriter, & vocalist for Michael Grant & The Assassins >> www.mgassassins.com
“I had a blast doing the Sound Matters Show with Tom Leu! The interview was scheduled for 30 mins… but Tom and I talked for well over an hour. That speaks volumes. Unique questions unlike other interviews I’ve done. I really love Tom’s direction and his passion for what he is creating with the Sound Matters Show.”
– Steve Brown, guitarist, songwriter, vocalist for Trixter and Tokyo Motor Fist >> www.stevebrownrocks.com
“That was AWESOME, and one of the funnest, most professional interviews I’ve done in a very long time! Kudos to people like Tom who actually make it easy for the interviewee! Look forward to our follow up and hope to make it a regular hang. Thanks a million Tom.”
– Don Jamieson, comedian and co-host of That Metal Show >> www.donjamieson.com
“It was a real pleasure talking to Tom. Definitely the most in-depth, important, and deeply honest interview I’ve ever done. And I’ve done a lot! I’d compare it to a rock n roll therapy session. Tom’s easy going personable style puts you at ease, you feel like you’re talking to an old friend. I’d recommend Tom’s show to any and all artists if you want to do an interview with someone who doesn’t ask the same old questions and does his homework.”
“One of the best interview experiences I’ve ever had! Tom is highly intelligent and touched on band subject-matter that most others don’t explore which always lends itself to an interesting conversation. It was great to be on Tom Leu’s shows! Tom does his homework and preparation which made it a great experience to be on the show! When a journalist or host in this case does their research, it makes the show interesting and flow well. Tom is a complete professional in that regard!”
“Definitely one of the easiest interviews I’ve done! Having a conversation with someone that understands the complexity of photography and working a live show opens the lanes we are able to explore. The fact that Tom is also a musician adds a different level of conversational awesomeness!!”
– Dustin Jack, rock photographer >> www.dustinjackphotography.com
“I had a great time on the Sound Matters show. Tom is very funny and prepared with good questions. Can’t wait to go on the show again!”
– Jim Florentine, comedian and co-host of That Metal Show >> www.jimflorentine.com
“I really enjoyed my interview with Tom Leu on The Sound Matters Radio Show. Tom was extremely prepared and asked some very unique questions which made for a very cool time. I hope to be back on the show again soon!”
– Bill Leverty, guitarist for FireHouse >> www.leverty.com
“It’s not everyday that I speak to journalists that actually have something interesting to talk about… I always love talking with Tom! He does his homework and you can tell. They’re always great interviews, and he asks great questions!”
– Jack Russell, lead singer for Jack Russell’s Great White >> www.jackrussellsgreatwhiteband.com
“Tom’s a total pro. Accurate, considerate, inviting and structured. This is the type of people you want to deal with. I enjoyed Tom’s effort in learning band history to be able to ask insightful and relevant questions. Just like the interviews, his photography is beyond the line of duty. My place still showcases a metallic print of a Hessler performance from 2012. Still hanging on the wall, ‘nuff said…”
– Igz Kincaid, guitarist/vocalist for Hessler >> www.hesslerchicago.com
“Tom was extremely professional but yet made me feel instantly at ease. He’d also read my book in full so he was well informed on the subject at hand. (A rarity I might add.) His enthusiasm is contagious. I highly recommend him and his show and can’t wait to go back on. I had a great time! Thanks again!!!”
– Amy Dresner, author of My Fair Junkie: A Memoir of Getting Dirty and Staying Clean >> www.amydresner.com
“My interview with Tom Leu was a chance to tell my side of the music – how it’s made and how it all starts. As a producer, it’s not often that I get to really take people through my process. I think that’s why his show stands out above all the rest – he clearly cares about music first. Can’t wait to chat again with Tom on Sound Matters.”
– Colin Brittain, music producer for Papa Roach & One OK Rock >> www.facebook.com/ColinBrittainCunningham
“I loved being on Tom’s show. Tom is very professional, extremely prepared and his high-energy, articulate and passionate delivery creates a dynamic and thrilling interviewing experience. Tom is dedicated to creating a rich, in-depth interviewing experience. He prepared himself for the interview by not only reading the book beforehand, but he quoted from it and asked key and targeted questions which elevated the interaction. He put in the research and discussed upfront specific questions to ensure that the interview stood out as fresh, differentiating and compelling. I highly recommend Tom’s show!”
– Steve Jones, co-author of Smile Now, Cry Later: Guns, Gangs, and Tattoos – My Life In Black and Gray >> www.stevejoneswriter.com
“Tom is a pro. He doesn’t ask surface questions and gets right down to the point. He knows how to conduct an interview with no bullshit questions and makes it actually fun for who he’s interviewing and most important for the listener. And that’s how it’s done, kids.”
– Chad Cherry, vocalist for The Last Vegas, The Claws, and Founder of Chad Cherry Clothing >> www.facebook.com/chadcherryclothing
“Tom is the ultimate pro. He’s extremely knowledgeable about all things music. He definitely does his research and asks great, in-depth interview questions. It was a blast speaking with him. Two horns up!”
– Steve McClure, Director, Hair I Go Again documentary film >> www.facebook.com/HAIRIGOAGAIN
“I have always enjoyed my interviews with Tom Leu for his Sound Matters Radio show. Tom is a Radio/TV host and motivational speaker, who is always informed, passionate, and doing an interview with him is so easy. He is genuine, inspiring, and it has been an honor to know him. Especially his unfailing support for my work over the years, which I am extremely grateful for.”
– Susan Masino, author of The Story of AC/DC-Let There Be Rock >> www.susanmasino.com
“I have had the amazing opportunity not only once but twice to be a guest on Sound Matters. I was throughly impressed with the professionalism accompanied with the friendly, relaxed atmosphere of the studio and the interview. Tom was well prepared which made the interview go smoothly. It was as if we were just talking. Tom’s passion for music, musicians and the history of this art form is contagious. Thanks again for the opportunities to be on the show and keep up the great work!”
– Kevin Polky, Executive Director of KP Counseling and Shatter Our Silence >> www.shatteroursilence.org
“Tom has a welcoming, warm personality; with a glint of a true music fan in his eye. Excellent interview questions, locations, and integrity in his delivery.”
– Bryan Wilkinson, guitarist for The Last Vegas and Black Actress >> www.facebook.com/bryanwmusic
“On behalf of the band DRAMA QUEEN I would like to offer some kind words to one of the best interview personalities we know Tom Leu. We have been on Tom’s show SOUND MATTERS 3 times now Courtesy of Tom and consider him friend and family. Tom cares about music and people which is why his professionalism shines through. Whether hosting a local musician or a touring Mega Star, Tom does his homework and makes the interview stylish and classy for his audience. Thanks again Tom for helping to spread the word about DRAMA QUEEN and countless others. You surely are a blessing to all!”
– Matt Vogt, guitarist for Drama Queen >> www.dramaqueenrocks.com
“Working with Tom on his radio show was a blast. I thought his questions were pointed and really great. His enthusiasm was obvious. He had a sincere, ‘I am glad you guys are here’ attitude towards us being in the studio with him. Tom is the utmost professional!!! And Tom really did his homework with our photography shoot!!! He attended a few rehearsals prior to the live shoot and was so well prepared the day of the show. His attention to detail and overall professionalism is evident as you work with him. My hats are off to him……..Tom is the best!!!!”
– Lance Porter, drummer for Armed Vision >> www.facebook.com/ArmedVision

“My experience was great. I did not feel like I was being interviewed, I felt more as if I were having a casual conversation. There’s no pressure, it’s a good time and I would definitely do it again!”
“Tom is a vast encyclopedia of music knowledge and an amazing photographer as well. Love his radio show and always looking forward to his photos.” – Mike McQuerter, photographer/musician
> Become a Sound Matters Show/Podcast SPONSOR >> HERE
> For consideration to be a guest on the Sound Matters Show show & podcast with Tom Leu, email us here: soundmattersshow@gmail.com