February 10, 2025


Entertaining Matters in Music & Entertainment

091: Stonefront Band & Documentary

May 05, 2020

Sound Matters episode 091 features a behind-the-scenes look at the acclaimed Detroit-area jam band, Stonefront and their (as yet unreleased) “Stones Throw” documentary recounting the band’s days at the famed Garwood Mansion in the early 1970’s. Stonefront founder and chief songwriter, Larry Merryman, and longtime friend, Jeff Swanberg, who was a resident of the mansion, and who’s brother played bass in the band, recall what is was like during those heady days, back in the day… a truly wonderful conversation full of music, history, and cultural commentary. Don’t miss this one!


Episode #091 – The Podcast: (also on SpotifyApple Podcasts, GoogleiHeartRadio, Stitcher, & Spreaker)

Connect with Stonefront Band:
Facebook Page. www.facebook.com/stonefrontmusic

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Until we meet again… Stay tuned-in… 

Bun E. Carlos from Cheap Trick


090: Highlights & Hits (Creativity in COVID19)
092: Highlights & Hits (Finding New Music & Guilty Pleasure Artists)

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