February 10, 2025


Entertaining Matters in Music & Entertainment

031: Amy Dresner

September 25, 2017

Episode #031 – The Podcast: (also on SpotifyApple Podcasts, GoogleiHeartRadio, Stitcher, & Spreaker)


Sound Matters episode #031 features Tom’s in-depth interview with the hilarious and insightful Amy Dresner, author of the riveting book My Fair Junkie: A Memoir of Getting Dirty and Staying Clean on Hachette Books. This episode and subject matter represent a more overt shiFt in the direction of the Sound Matters show. Longtime listeners have undoubtedly heard the recurring recovery themes and overtones coming through loud and clear in much of the content discussed on the show since its inception. Going forward more of the show’s content will overtly feature this all-important subject matter, along with the usual music and communications topics that are also at the show’s foundations. Show #031 concludes with Tom’s signature Sound Matter Moment

“My Fair Junkie” on Hachette Books

Inside the Interview:
03:21 – Special subject-matter on Sound Matters…
04:16 – Never had “handlers”… 
04:31 – How terrifying is Amy’s newfound success as an author?
07:35 – On what to leave in and what to leave out… 
09:43 – On Amy’s Dad reading her book…
10:04 – What was learned writing this book? 
12:13 – Any concern that “success” will lead back to the abyss?
12:36 – AA, criticisms, and recovery perspectives…
17:01 – Is addiction a disease? 
18:01 – Why do addicts/alcoholics relapse? 
20:08 – On deliberately writing to cross-over…
22:14 – On paralells between writing a book and the recovery process…
23:39 – On perpetual self-examination and self-awareness…
25:33 – On Amy’s life story eventually become a book…
27:32 – On the back and forth realities of working with a book editor… 
28:55 – On Amy’s stand up comedy past, present, and future…
29:58 – On being a non-drinker and dealing with others who are…
31:19 – On dealing with haters, yet writing your truth… 
33:41 – My Fair Junkie, and narrating the audio book…
34:33 – What’s on the horizon for Amy? Speaking… more books?
37:49 – Amy’s final thoughts… 

Connect with Amy Dresner:
Website: www.amydresner.com
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/amydresnerofficial
Twitter: www.twitter.com/amydresner
Instagram: www.instagram.com/amydresner

If you, your business, brand, or organization is interested in advertising and/or sponsoring Sound Matters, please email us at soundmattersshow@gmail.com with inquiries.

Until we meet again… Stay tuned-in… 

Author, Kristin Casey
030: Highlights & Hits
032: Aryn Jonathan Black

About the Host