January 18, 2025


Entertaining Matters in Music & Entertainment

004: Hessler

January 28, 2017

Episode #004 of the Sound Matters show previews several of the most anticipated new albums of 2017, as well as Tom’s take on some recent controversy surrounding famed rock radio and TV personality, Eddie Trunk and Eric Singer of Kiss. Tom also talks to Igz Kincaid & Erik Michael, the masterminds behind Chicago’s heavy metal maestros, Hessler about their latest release Skeleton Crew, recent line-up changes, and their upcoming 2017 plans. Plus, Hessler’s latest single, “Killing Machine” is also featured in its ripping entirety. Each Sound Matters radio show concludes with an excerpt from Tom’s weekly Sound Matters column to infuse some motivation and encouragement into the conversation.

The Podcast: (also on SpotifyApple Podcasts, Amazon MusicGoogle PodcastsiHeartRadio, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, & Spreaker)

SOUND MATTERS Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/soundmatters

On This Episode:

  1. Headline Music & Entertainment News: Queen & Adam Lambert, Alice in Chains, Dan & Shay, Paris & Michael Jackson, Madonna, Mary Tyler Moore, Butch Trucks, Geoff Nichols, Circus Magazine, & Alanis Morissette…
  2. Preview of Anticipated New Albums of 2017: Nine Inch Nails, Taylor Swift, Bruce Springsteen, Lorde, Katy Perry, Drake, Blondie, U2, Depeche Mode, Beck, Ryan Adams, & Roger Waters…
  3. Eddie Trunk/Eric Singer of KISS controversy… is Eddie a whiny bitch?
  5. This Week in Music History…
  6. Sound Matter Moment… “The Waiting”

Eddie Trunk official website: www.eddietrunk.com 

Hessler Facebook page >> https://www.facebook.com/Hesslerchicago/ and official website >> http://www.hesslerchicago.com/


Inside the Interview:
02:07 – On Hessler’s discography…
05:02 – Changes in Hessler’s line-up…
06:08 – On Igz as lead vocalist…
07:56 – Caller w/question about Hessler’s permanent rhythm section & The Last Vegas’ Arling Bros…
11:20 – On sharing the stage with Udo Dirkschneider, & Doro Pesch, & upcoming tour dates…
12:55 – On Erik moving from bass to guitar…
13:36 – On songwriting & performing live shows in Hessler today since the line-up changes…
16:44 – On adding other permanent members to Hessler…
17:35 – On the meaning of the band’s name & its ongoing mystique…

Connect with Hessler:
Website: www.hesslerchicago.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hesslerchicago
Instagram: www.instagram.com/hesslerofficial (@hesslerofficial)
Twitter: www.twitter.com/hesslerofficial (@hesslerofficial)

A ‘Sound Matter Moment’ >> www.soundmatters.tv/the-waiting 

To sponsor the Sound Matters Show or to book Tom Leu for appearances, please email us at soundmattersshow@gmail.com with inquiries.

Click below to listen to a previous Sound Matters show episode:

003: Thomas Woroniak
SMM: Communication Breakdown**

About the Host