October 21, 2024


Entertaining Matters in Music & Entertainment

067: Highlights & Hits

October 06, 2018

Sound Matters live in-studio “Highlights & Hits” featured on episode #067: 

02:18-04:00 – Shout out to Christian Leu on his new job in television production, in addition to working in radio…

07:31-20:05 – Jro Rostamo (from Suite Oblivion, Drama Queen, & Mob Zero), and Allen Smith from Letsinger…

20:17-37:32 – Drama Queen (Matt, Rob, Tee, Jim, & Jro)

38:35-46:00 – Round table discussion with all of the above rock and rollers…

Episode #067 – The Podcast: (also on SpotifyiTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, TuneIn, & Spreaker)

Rob, Tee, Jim, Tom, Jro, Allen, Matt…


Episode Sponsors:

>> If you, your business, brand, or organization is interested in advertising and/or sponsoring the Sound Matters Show, please email us at soundmatters@tomleu.com with inquiries.

Until we meet again… Stay tuned-in…

RC08: Amy Dresner
RC09: Stewart Michaelson

About the Host